How To Build An App To Stand Out In-App Store & Play Store?

Mobile apps have already become the must-have digital footprint for all businesses. Mobile apps have penetrated all spheres of life, and there are no limits to the business opportunities offered by mobile apps. But not all apps are built equal, and some apps always stand out competitively ahead of others in App Store and Play Store.

Successful apps that stand apart from the rest achieve some perfection that others lack. Let us explain some attributes that make certain apps stand ahead of the rest and how a custom mobile app development company can use these findings.

Target the right keywords

App users, first of all, are going to search for an app and find it by using the appropriate keywords referring to core app features or functionalities. This is why your app should use the right keywords as part of your ASO (App Store Optimization) drive to convince the users that your app is the best option for their search.

When it comes to the app name, it must represent the core app idea clearly and should be able to hook customers instantly. Come up with a short title within the word limit set by the store. Use one keyword but don’t stuff the name of the app with keywords.

It is essential to find the right keywords, and for this, you can use SEO tools such as ahrefs, Google keywords planner, kwfinder and several others. Use keywords in the meta description in a natural manner.

Know the audience

Market research stands as the critical step for the app development and launch. By knowing your audience, only you can market the app better and find the right audience for the particular niche. To learn about the potential app users, take a deeper look at the present app trends or concentrate on a specific social group.

At the same time, when building your app prototype, you are likely to engage visionary customers. These early users will only answer your questions concerning the app and assist with their valuable feedback to deal with the weak points or shortcomings.

Adhere to the store rules

It would help if you considered the critical differences regarding the store policies of AppStore and Google Play Store. For example, in respect of title, AppStore allows you to use just 50 characters, and Google Play limits this to just 30. Consider also the differences of categories in these two stores.

Give also attention to the platform-specific requirements and conditions of both iOS and Android. Even while developing a cross-platform app, you need to bring slight changes in apps for respective iOS and Android stores. As for design layout, you need to adhere to Google’s Material Design for Android version and Apple guidance for the iOS app.

Optimize the app visually

When it comes to app success, never underestimate the importance of visuals and graphic quality. From the app icon to the choice of fonts for the app name to the will of colours, you need to deliver the correct visual aesthetics to grab attention and influence users. Validate the visual assets by rigorous A/B testing.

Apart from doing all these, don’t forget to add videos and app screenshots. The store description provides attractive videos on the mobile app. With the video content, try to boost the audience’s inspiration with a clear explanation of how the app can be used to the advantage of the users.

Use the app screenshots that are instantly eye-catchy and offers a clear idea about how the app functions. Apart from choosing the ones with a visually appealing look and feel, make sure they are relevant to the understanding of the potential users.

Localize the app Content

If the app is globally launched, it is essential to use screenshots that are thoroughly localized in your language. Make sure you maintain optimum localization of the app content and aesthetics.

Right from the chosen graphics to the use of on-screen text to local keywords, any app that offers a next-door feel to the target audience is likely to gain in user engagement.

Address user reviews

Remember that potential app users are likely to read the app reviews before deciding to download the app. This is why you must show that their feedback is taken care of seriously.

When addressing the user reviews, always remember you need to take criticism positively. You need to reply to both the positive and negative reviews that the app regularly receives.

Get user feedback

In the end, you must ensure that the users can leave feedback about the app whenever they wish by using multiple channels. You can only have a comprehensive understanding of where you can improve or do more by taking a closer look at users’ comments. Regarding this, it is essential to encourage users to post user-generated content on the social media pages of the app. Based on the user reviews, you can have a deeper understanding of your app.

In this respect, it is also important to showcase the essential stats on your app provided by the stores. Always boast of the positive stats on your app across social channels to spread the news about your app far and wide.


All the trusted and tried measures and tips mentioned above have helped countless apps shape their App Store or Play Store successes. These practices are bound to give excellent results if the app is built right, targeting relevant user needs.

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