Role of Self-service Amid COVID-19

Stress always exists in everyone’s life, but in times like now, when you unfold within your communities, surroundings are more stressful. During this time, significant changes are going on in people’s lives. Here the brand plays an important role in reassuring that their customers need.

Many brands have shifted to the ever-growing demands and customer needs in a whole novel way. This has also led to slower response times of the customer query. Let me tell you that crises have created new opportunities for the brands and people to grow and have a strong relationship.

There are common questions that arise that “is there any opportunity for the customer self-service portal who can rescue the customers’ day to day needs when they rapidly shift from one to other needs.

Customer self-service and the pandemic – COVID-19

When I say customer self service, that means providing your customers multiple ways to get the immediate answers for all of their questions, one day at a time, if some questions require advice, the AI knowledge base answers them in the most convenient time.

Various research and studies have been performed and in the recent study, It has been observed that 72% of the customers or customers say that they want to solve their own issues having no involvement of the breathing customer service agent. Therefore, the knowledge base chatbots and customer self-service portals are used and address the issue of the customer and resolve it

The benefit of the customer self-service portal is that it gives the right information, to the customers instantly, at the right time at the right place and it is available 24*7, and it does not get bored with answering and providing the information to the customer whenever asked by the customer self-service.

Accurate information and quality support to your customer

The knowledge base chatbot is made in such a way that the information is given at the right time. But over the past few months, the business has been under an enormous amount of stress. The crises have hit hard to all the customers’ service and the business, the customer support agents are working as a frontline agent to give the full support to help customers with their pressing needs.

But customer service as a whole plays an essential role in providing help to customers in overcoming the various challenges that are associated with the economic crises. However, the customer request has increased over the past few weeks. This takes up more time for the customer service portal to resolve all the issues of the customer. Here the dynamic solution of the customer service like FAQs comes in hand, the knowledge base can power this. This is one of the most essential tools as it gives a response to 70% of the consumer’s request.

There is more of a survival of the fittest mode for the customer’s request. The customers are consumers who are actively searching for ways to control even the smallest parts of their daily lives. This needs to go hand in hand to meet the growing expectations with the customer service experience.

Ways to enhance the customer experience

The pandemic has disrupted the customer service experience and business functions all over the globe. Here are some business ways to enhance the customer experience in these certain times.

  1. Provide an abundance of information to your customer: Customers in today’s time are inundated with information overload. However, the length of the human’s attention is limited, and it is debatable in some cases. Microsoft has taught the rule of eight-second rule, which states that people have a little patience in searching for information and getting the results instantly. Your brand provides instant results to the customer searches will give the customer instant gratification to the customer experiences and will lead to higher conversion rates. That’s why it’s important to get your website dynamic FAQs mart chatbots, or embedded help widgets.
  2. Meeting your customers: It’s essential to meet and know your customer, where they are today. During this crisis, customer pattern has come to a halt. Customers’ demand pattern has been shifted to online. With this, China has made a gain of 15% in their e-commerce sale, while Italy has made 81% in a single week, with their e-commerce. Customers need a digital at home with less of the touch options available and quick work to be done in a few seconds. Knowledge base Chatbots and the customer self-service portal need to be grown and to be advanced and companies to quickly act and innovate in their delivery model to navigate the customers properly.
  3. Focusing on the customer experience – a winning strategy: Maintaining a strong customer experience will increase a strong bond with your customers during crises. Your rapid research in understanding the customer dynamics needs will make you create new innovative ads that meet the customer demands and have a stable and long-lasting relationship with your customer. The business leaders who master their approach in creating more values for the customers will lead to giving a competitive environment.

Chatbots in Covid-19 Services

Chatbots with the growing trend have become advanced and the AI Knowledge base has developed and got integrated into the applications. The predominant notion of a chatbot is to deploy with the establishment of messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook, slack.

However, the privacy of data on Facebook is very intense. Let me tell you an interesting thing: are there three major companies that have integrated the chatbots and the mobile apps that have integrated that.

Chatbots used as an application: the use of the chatbots here is straightforward. As the bundle of chatbots has integrated into the mobile app stores. The primary aim of the mobile application is to provide the customers a dedicated, always-on channel for your users to perform customer self-service. For example, the Progress Virtual Assistant app is a mobile app that enables the chatbot feature for the employees to deal with organizational and administrative tasks at work. The chatbot has been developed as a mobile feature and has been distributed through a mobile application for the authentication of the users.

The features of the Progress Virtual Assistant app:

  1. No data of the users is to be shared on social media or third-party companies.
  2. No complexities of building and supporting complex UI screens and interactions.
  3. The complete control of the UI within the conversational UI is in the hands of the users.


In a time of crisis everything changes, with this, the Customer experiences have also taken extra dimensions. The business leaders who have been researching, updating, and creating alternative approaches will help to expect how your customers will act and react according to their habits.

The attention span of humans has been reduced, in order to meet the customer’s experience, creating more of the self-service options available to the customers and to reach the increasing demand the brands need to update and keep innovating them with the new dynamic FAQs, smart chatbots, or embedded help widgets.

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