iOS Application Development require High Level UI Specialist

The iOS platform, it’s safe to say that it’s the platform of the future. Consider this: In 2018, when the first Apple App Store iteration was launched, users only found 500 apps there. Ten years later, Apple announced that there were 20 million registered developers on iOS who made around $100 billion revenue while catering to some five hundred million visitors of the App Store per week!

iOS, along with Android would continue to lead the mobile development space. With the total iOS apps surpassing the two million mark, it has become necessary for developers to keep close tabs on the trends in iOS app development. For UIUX designers these days, understanding iOS is essential. Why, because the Apple platform is one of the biggest there is now, along with Android.

UI/UX designers are app experts, with more focus on boosting the looks of an iOS app. In the industry, there has been a lengthy debate on the relevance of app designers to learn how to program or code. With iPhone app development, there’s a need for designers and developers to work side-by-side to achieve a common goal.

The truth is, designing and developing a native iPhone application could be quite complex for anyone who doesn’t understand or know the process of development involved.

The Role of a UI/UX Programmer and Designer-an Understanding

When it comes to designing and developing digital products, such as iOS and Android app development, various creative flow aspects are presented via the User Interface and the User Experience design. Simply put, the focus of UX design is to provide an acceptable user experience, while UI is all about providing an effective and beautiful user interface. A lot of the top app development service providers consider UX design for a much wider sense of absorption because it involves the User Interface design as a critical part of the process of interaction.

There are three application experts in iOS app development, including the UI designers, UX designers, and programmers who gather together to achieve a common goal, and that is iPhone application. Nobody is basically independent of the other. Check out this short breakdown of the various roles of development pros.

UX Designers

Referred mainly as design pros who generally specialize in building a kind of general concept about the structure of the app, which reflects the flow of interactions. There are a lot of factors, positive and negative that could influence UX. In the app development phase, the UX designer is responsible for making certain that these factors are emphasized.

UI Designers

This category of designers, based on the structure already agreed, the core interaction factors, and core factors are responsible to ascertain that the best possible visual solutions are provided to correspond to the aesthetic requirements in a most effective manner, the environment, expectations of users, and corresponding app style. Basically, they play the role of visual analysts in the majority of application development organizations.


Programmers are developers of applications whose chief role is to create the final product and make everything become a reality. It’s basically their uttermost responsibility to ascertain that each outlined concept by designers are well-integrated into the development stage. These pros do most of the coding since they seek to combine or relate various app aspects into an entire single component.

The main aim is to attain an effective interaction with the iOS product within a specific environment.

App Design Programming Role

Actually, in iOS app development coding has little and even no relevant role to play in UI and UX designing. It’s so much easier to find successful designers without a single knowledge of writing a code line yet they know just how to boost the usability level of an app with the accurate design solutions. There are however several top app development companies that are most interested in acquiring high-level specialists with some coding experience aimed to support efficient and effective designs with a bit of coding experience.

Undoubtedly, a general understanding of the iPhone programming basics could go a long way to help designers build product designs that are feasible. User Interface and User Experience are not only about building great designs. It’s more about making an iOS application extremely functional and aesthetically beautiful to meet the needs of end-users.

The Significance of Mobile Application UI/UX Design

Most developers build an app with terrific performance but unable to focus on designing, which leads to the app going downhill. The balance between UI/UX design and functionality is difficult to keep but that’s what should be done. How significant a UI/UX design on an app is? Consider these pointers.

1. Build a good impression

For any small business or a startup, the UI/UX design relevance lies in making the first impression. When a user visits an app, they should be immediately drawn to it so they could come back to it again and again. A good application has higher usage time and this could be done with the UI/UX design of an app.

2. Get featured in the app stores

Whether an iPhone app or any mobile app for that matter is good or otherwise is determined by the number of users who will like it. The reviews and ratings by satisfied users would bring the mobile app to the top of the list.

For an app to be featured in the App Store or the Play Store, make certain that users get a great UI/UX. Being featured in the top of the list of any category automatically brings more app transactions.

3. Win over users

Designs all the time grab the users’ attention and ascertain that they spend as much time on an app as possible. Nonetheless, users should also understand the designs as well as the navigation well enough to stick around for a long period.

4. Acquire loyal customers

It’s a fact that alluring apps have more users. Applications such as Facebook, Instagram, and others have terrific UI/UX, which has magnetized millions of users all over the world. The satisfaction coming from the great user experience is what makes loyal users. Another reason why UI/UX mobile apps are important is word of mouth. Satisfied loyal customers are likely to spread the word by telling family and friends about the app.

5. Cost and Time Savings in the Long Run

From day one, when you work with an understanding of the UI/UX mobile app best practices, you’re guaranteed a less need for maintenance and updates. Furthermore, since those would be at bay, the issues you could face after launch would be relatively low.

iOS Development, Worth Learning in 2020

Of course iOS app development is worth learning this year and beyond. A lot of app development trends in the iOS market have come up and there’s more to come as user requirement changes and the continuous evolution of technology to meet the changing demands. All the trends could bring significant changes to the industry.

UI/UX specialists need to use more advanced technologies to build a more secure and more exciting user experience. This year and beyond, developers and engineers need to focus on Artificial Intelligence, Core Machine Learning, and of course the IoT, or the Internet of Things. Moreover, it’s great to consider wearables and using iBeacon for organizations.


To prevent a negative understanding of the UI/UX design requires a wide understanding of the user base. Only by knowing who you’re making an app for would you be able to deliver a memorable experience to users all over the world.

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