9 Social Media Marketing Tips for Real Estate Agents

By | Last Updated: May 13, 2024

Social media platforms are one of the most effective methods for real estate agents to get more exposure and attention from potential clients. Real estate social media marketing can help agents get more leads and close more deals. However, some realtors are not successful in building their social media following. That’s why it’s essential to learn how to put together a concrete social media market strategy in order to thrive in any social media platform.

If you’re a realtor, you may need these nine social media marketing tips to help you amp up your game:

1. Choose Your Social Media Platforms

Social media real estate marketing is mostly about exposure. The more networks you choose, the more exposure you will get. However, when it comes to building your online presence, quality is always more than quantity.

Before you create an account on several social media sites, you need to first decide how many you can manage efficiently. Remember, you need to invest time, effort, and hard work in order for you to manage your social media accounts effectively. It’s always a good idea to start with one or two social media platforms, especially when you are just starting out. It’s prudent to choose the ones that have the most relevant potential clients that you can target.

2. Post Only High-Quality, Attractive Photos

Pictures speak a thousand words – this goes the same for realtors trying to market their properties for sale. When taking photos, make sure to choose the best angles that highlight your property’s most valuable features.

Your photos should be attractive enough that they can serve as clickbait for your posts. You should only post high-quality photos that have the right amount of lighting and saturation – but be careful not to edit your photos too much. Stay close to what’s accurate as much as possible to build a good reputation of being authentic with your followers and prospective clients.

3. Post High-Definition, Appealing Videos

Most successful real estate agents focus on putting more variety into their content. One way to establish variety is to create high-definition video content. You can do a video “tour” of the featured property from your listings, or you can also share behind-the-scene videos of your activities – including staging a house, house-touring, and doing an interview. Make sure to post authentic, high-quality videos that are appealing to viewers.

4. Write Creative & Engaging Captions

Photos and videos are just one part of the content. Another essential part that you should not overlook is the captions of your social media post. Captions should not only speak about the media that you are posting – rather, they should create an opportunity for you to engage with your followers. One effective way to build engagement is to ask your followers questions.

For instance, when you post a picture of a bathroom with a bathtub, you can try to be creative by asking your followers what essential oil they’d prefer to burn while taking a relaxing bath. Make sure to respond to comments. This can create more engagement, which in turn can lead to more exposure.

5. Use Location Tags & Hashtags

Using the right location tags and hashtags is an effective social media market strategy that can help get your content visible to a more targeted audience. Tagging a location and using the proper real estate hashtags will not only bring more engagement to your content, but it can also make your account more discoverable on social media. The right hashtags will optimize your online presence – serving as an avenue for potential clients to find your real estate brand.

Here are a few real estate hashtags you can use for your content:

  • #realestate
  • #realtor
  • #justlisted
  • #broker
  • #homesale
  • #househunting
  • #homelisting
  • #homesforsale
  • #openhouse
  • #fixandfliphouses
  • #investmentsales
  • #listingagent
  • #realtoroffice
  • #[Target Neighbourhood]
  • #[Target City]homes
  • #[Target City]property

6. Educate Your Followers

You can add more value to your real estate social medial account by creating content that can help educate your followers. Educating your follows – not just selling – can help make your audience realize the importance of your services and thus help you build leads.

Once you focus your social media on helping people achieve their goals instead of what you can get from your audience, you will generate more engagement, increase your following, and start to see better results for your real estate business. You can start by posting inspirational (real estate-related) quotes, sharing some tips on how to keep a house safe and well-maintained, doing podcasts, or sharing some insights on the news about the real estate market 2022.

7. Share Concise Summaries of Real Estate News & Market Data

Real estate investors and homebuyers alike need to get updated about what’s happening in the real estate world. As mentioned, sharing concise summaries of real estate news and data in your social media accounts can help educate your audience about the local housing market. Through this, you will not only position yourself as the go-to real estate expert on social media, but you will also help those who don’t have enough time to read lengthy news reports and market analysis get insights into what’s currently happening.

8. Optimize Content With Targeted Ads

Paid, targeted ads can help optimize your content and bring in new, relevant followers to your social media account. Facebook and Instagram offer a lot of targeting opportunities for real estate agents – you can target an audience based on specific areas, interests, and age groups. The additional cost of running social media ads, especially when paired with great content, will be worth the investment.

9. Be Consistent in Posting Content

One of the many challenges of managing a social media account (or accounts, for that matter) is the consistent demand for content. If you want to stay relevant online, it’s essential to remain active and post consistently because consistency is key. Be creative in curating your content – don’t be afraid to show your authentic personality to your audience, but also stay focused on your goal: that is to have your audience associate real estate with you and your brand.

Social Media for Real Estate

In a world where most people go online for almost everything they need, using social media for real estate can be very beneficial for realtors. As there are billions of users on various social media platforms, it’s really challenging to stand out from the crowd. If you are like most real estate agents who struggle with social media, you can use these social media marketing tips to help you get started.

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