10 Voice Search Optimization Tips

I’m sure that by now you’ve heard of voice search and how it’s become the next big thing in SEO. If you haven’t, you can check out this article or this video to learn more about it. But if you have, you might be wondering how to optimize your site for voice search! It can be challenging at first to keep up with all the latest trends in SEO, so I’ve compiled 10 tips on optimizing your site to rank in voice search results.

1. Keep It Short

Make your messaging very short and concise. Rather than a 30-second audio clip, most voice search recordings should be about 10–15 seconds in length. Focus on one topic at a time and make it really easy for users to understand what they can do or how they can use your product or service. Keep in mind that most people will only listen to short bursts of audio, so if you have a lot of information to get across, try recording several messages rather than one long one. In fact, it’s even better if you have a series of quick messages rather than just one longer one because you can target multiple calls to action instead of just focusing on one with each voice search optimization strategy.

2. Focus on Keywords

When optimizing your content for voice search, you’ll want to choose carefully which keywords and phrases to focus on. You don’t need to cram as many into a single paragraph as possible – try building paragraphs around one keyword or topic that has multiple meanings and uses. This way, you can use synonyms and related words in each paragraph and rank well without having to jam keywords all over your content. When writing voice-optimized articles, don’t forget about using pronouns; using I or you can improve rankings by adding more context around your keywords.

3. Show Value Proposition

Make sure you’re clear about what you want your customers to do. You can make it a lot easier for them by adding a clear call-to-action, especially when it comes to tasks they don’t want to do. For example, if you’re making a travel planning app, you might say press 3 for an airport shuttle to Chicago or press 2 for information on resorts in Greece. In that way, users will be able to get what they need much faster and more easily.

4. Show Clear Calls-to-Action

Voice search is rapidly growing in popularity. One of its best qualities is that you can ask questions. If you optimize your site for voice searches, make sure your call-to-action (CTA) text is clear and to-the-point. For example, if you want someone to fill out a form, make sure your CTA says Fill out my form instead of Click here or any other unclear phrase. This way it’s much more likely that people will actually use your site as intended rather than seeing irrelevant search results even if they are what they were looking for!

5. Don’t Be Afraid of Numbers

Don’t be afraid to use numbers in your query, as long as they’re relevant. How many calories are in a hamburger? is a reasonable question, whereas how many calories are in a hamburger? is not. Searches with three or more words tend to yield better results but make sure those words all relate to your query. In other words, if you ask for help from Siri with I want to go camping you won’t get back anything useful unlike if you ask for nearby camping sites or nearby campgrounds. The best voice search queries have a clear objective and include additional keywords that point out what users are looking for.

6. Give Information Quickly

One of voice search’s biggest advantages is that users can instantly get information about anything they want, anywhere they are. To make sure you stay ahead of voice search, make sure your website is full of informational content. Include paragraphs on every page, not just pages dedicated to specific products. Instead of describing what a product looks like or how it works in text, include photos and videos that show it off well. And above all else make your site fast. People are searching for information quickly when using voice search, so give them what they want right away!

7. Have Information Rich Snippets & Descriptions

This one might seem obvious, but we still see a lot of brands missing out on valuable opportunities. To take advantage of voice search, you need to ensure that all your information is structured and presented in a way that helps Google understand what your page is about. The cornerstone of good SEO for voice search optimization is ensuring that any information-rich snippets and descriptions are present on any pages you want to rank highly for voice searches. This includes products, services, destinations, articles… whatever fits with your website or business model! If it’s not there already – set aside time to find out how it can be done. It could give you a major boost!

8. Put Words at Beginning of Phrases/Sentences First

When users conduct a voice search, what comes after their initial question is just as important. That’s because when Google’s voice search algorithm makes its recommendations, it considers both what you said AND how you said it in making suggestions, explained in digital phablet. So when writing copy for your website or ad text, remember to put key phrases at the beginning of sentences and in front of long lists of keywords. For example: Find SEO tips on voice search optimization here. Sounds basic, but studies have shown that putting specific keywords at beginning of sentences helps your content rank higher on SERPs.

9. Use Precise Language When Possible

This may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t take advantage of voice search because they use vague or ambiguous language. The more specific your topic is, and at least for now the better. The more information you can include that is relevant to your searches, specifically what users are looking for, you will give them exactly what they are looking for. Be as specific as possible with keywords and keyword phrases to ensure that you rank higher than all other businesses in your area or industry. You should also consider using an SEO company to help you fine tune your content so that it is optimized specifically for voice search optimization.

10. Have Keywords at the Start of Paragraphs

Search engine ranking is partly based on how many keywords are at the start of a paragraph. When people search for voice search optimization, they’re using Google to look for SEO tips. So it only makes sense that if your paragraphs are starting with Voice Search Optimization Tips, you’ll rank higher on Google. Your readers will also be able to find your post more easily according to the CoRepo. Many of us are quick to scroll through our feeds, so having relevant phrases immediately visible makes all the difference. If your post isn’t relevant or doesn’t have what people are looking for at first glance, they may just move onto something else. Make sure you can answer questions about what readers will get out of reading your content without them even reading it!

I’m sure you already knew most of these, but maybe there are a few tips in here that you haven’t tried yet. I know at least one thing is true: voice search optimization is growing and if it isn’t part of your marketing strategy now, it will be soon. Make sure to come back next week for our Voice Search Marketing 101′′ webinar so you can learn even more! We hope you enjoy these tips! Do let us know if we missed anything.

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