How Artificial Intelligence will Change the Future

A lot of us nowadays still don’t seem to be aware of the changes that artificial intelligence brings to our lives. But in fact, the two words no longer have to move anyone into the distant future, as AI has already started making tangible adjustments to human existence. Look around – self-driving cars, peer-to-peer networks, and virtual agents that help you zbook flights or provide details of the products available. All of the above is a fusion of science and technology, so-called artificial intelligence. What’s that and why is there so much talk of the matter? What impact will the development of “thinking computer systems” have on our being in the future? It’s high time to sort things out.

So what is artificial intelligence?

While surfing the web, we stumbled upon multiple definitions of the term “AI” but chose the simplest one. It’s a branch of science that studies the capacity of computers or machines to carry out certain activities which had previously been considered to require human intervention.

What does the future look like for us with the implementation of AI?

No doubt, by means of the COVID-19, we’ve learned a simple truth – any projections could fall by the wayside during economic crises caused by the pandemic. And given that a prosperity of AI is possible only if financial resources are available, it’s getting harder to reflect upon the future. However, we’ve got to give it a try, drawing on our experience in the field. Chances are that AI will affect nearly all industries, considering the range of opportunities it provides for very different fields. Since we can’t go into a little more detail of the lying ahead changes in all areas, let’s review those that seem particularly important.

1. Healthcare

Assuredly, that’s where we’d like to start, given these challenging times. Major changes await the industry. Assisting robots will help to improve the accuracy while performing surgeries and eliminating the risks that are related to a human factor. Moreover, these computer-controlled machines contribute to a better understanding of people’s daily routines and their needs which in turn encourages effective doctor-patient communication for keeping your body in good working order.

2. Business

Сost cutting and improving efficiency, no more decisions based on gut, consistently high service levels. The following could be mentioned here – talking to a well-trained support representative, people will share this with two or three others. However, once they encounter bad customer service, about ten persons will know the details of the conversation). All that are just a little piece of the advantages businesses will get by implementing AI to their workflow. According to a research that was conducted in 12 countries, it was concluded that artificial intelligence might cause an increase in performance by 40% and thereby achieve more in less time.

In order to convince you these words are not empty, let’s see how it all works in practice. Our guess is there are very few people who enthusiastically do the same monotonous work over and over again, especially if it doesn’t require much knowledge. This is where AI will come to rescue that majority who are annoyed by doing repetitive tasks. DHL, for example, has long been using robots at its warehouses to pack and seal orders. For those businesses that aim to be ahead of the curve too, cutting-edge companies have already developed AI solutions.

Furthermore, the ability to handle huge quantities of information with lightning speed thanks to AI is something hard to resist. The essence of the data collection and processing is to step in immediately and meet the new demands of customers while outperforming companies’ competitors who try to accomplish the same tasks manually.

3. Defense Sector

This is hard to talk about, but let’s face the truth- we’ve achieved so much, however, there is a thing that we still haven’t learned so far – to settle conflicts in a peaceful manner. As a result, more than 30 countries are currently at war. In that regard, some AI development companies will channel their efforts towards improvement of surveillance systems, threat monitoring, and weapons.

All the equipment fitted with AI, will allow gaining valuable and confidential data that expose an evil plan of the opponents and will be a red flag for the concerned persons to take the right action at the right time.

Bottom Line

The list goes on and on, but even these three paragraphs give us a clear picture of the unprecedented opportunities that artificial intelligence provides for various industries. Some would surely be wary about AI, fearing to be out of a job or what this full force would fall into the wrong hands, and the rest will reap the benefits of this transformation.

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