7 Mistakes to Avoid When Developing React Native Apps

Are you looking to develop a React Native App? Well, then you have to be aware of the mistakes you are prone to. This article covers common mistakes to avoid in React Native App development.

Before we learn about the “can happen” mistakes and how to avoid them, let’s go back to basics of React Native Development and why it is in demand today.

All About React Native App Development

React Native, developed by Facebook, is one of the widely used cross-platform app development frameworks. Launched six years back, this framework has already taken app development to new heights.

Not only this, since 2019, it ranks at the top in the cross platform framework usage. Around 42% of developers use it for app development. This is not mere luck or a craze of the youngest in the town.

The reason is that it eradicates the need to develop different apps for different platforms. This decrease in extra efforts and readiness to build Web, cross-platform apps, and UWPs has made it a developer’s choice.

Other reasons why they love React Native Development are:

  • It uses JavaScript
  • They can build fully native apps
  • The installation process is direct
  • It enhances developers’ productivity
  • It has huge community support
  • It is truly a cross-platform

Even amidst these and other un-mentioned benefits, some challenges inherently come with React. They include:

  • Dependency on native app developers
  • Limitation in the abstraction layer
  • Difficulty in iOS deployment, and
  • Zero support for multi processing

But the good news is that experts already know how to deal with it. They also know about common mistakes and how to avoid them. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s turn into a skilled developer.

Mistakes to Avoid With React Native App Development

To improve the performance and productivity of your React Native App, avoid these 10 mistakes.

1. Unoptimized Images

Many developers don’t consider image optimization important in the app development process. Yet, the fact is that it is of high priority. It affects the app’s performance.

What exactly optimizing images do?

It helps resize the images locally, and uploads it to cloud storage through the server. Developers then receive a CDN link that they can use through their API.

This entire process reduces the image loading time. And if you leave the images unoptimized, it may result in increased load time. And, it may leave your customers wary of your app.

2. Improper Redux Store Setup

What do you do on receiving a new React Native App Development project?

Normally, you might start focusing on the app layout, forgetting the data handling part. This is where the problem arises. React Native makes use of Redux and thinks all the data handling is done.

Redux is a handy tool used for effective application management. It helps in storing data and managing debugging app states. Generally, it is used for large and heavy applications. Because it requires a long line of code and increases more workload. This is what developers often forget.

Thus, you must plan properly. If your project is small, avoid using Redux. It would make you write lengthy code for the smallest of changes. It will only add up problems and inconvenience for you.

3. Leaving Log Statements

Console log statements are a lifesaver for developers. They help in debugging the app and ensure that there’s no issue during the execution stage. But, they should be removed before the proceeding.

Want to know what happens if you forget to remove log statements?

They lead to a severe issue. Especially if the app contains both, render methods and logics inside. In turn, your log statement can end up being a bottleneck in the JavaScript thread.

It will cause your app to lag and result in slow performance.

4. Extra Parameters and Binding in Render Mode

In React Native Development, binding in render mode creates a new method rather than picking the previous one.

The issue with this method is that it creates different callbacks while rendering. Although, you can solve it with the binding handleWatchList() method. You can use it in the constructor or as a property initializer syntax.

Still, there’s a problem.

Even while using the handleWatchList() function, many of you might try to pass the parameters directly. However, that’s a bad approach.

Instead create a child component inside the map function. Then pass the parameters inside the child component. Finally, you can pass the value as props.

5. Using Stateless Components

Many developers think that using stateless components is wise. Well, it’s not.

Stateless components don’t extend any class. They simply take the arguments and display them in the DOM. They do have benefits like easy testing ability and speedy implementation. But, with time, it is more sensible to choose pure components in React Native App Development. Here’s why:

  • It performs a shallow comparison that lowers the render process. This makes the feature a win-win for complex UI apps. The other benefit is it comes with a lifecycle method that automatically makes the shallow comparison. It then checks if the re-render is necessary. And performs it only when it detects a change. You don’t have this option in stateless components. With them, if the parent component re-renders, every other component has to.
  • With pure components, developers can also send AJAX requests inside component DISmount. They can also perform other DOM operations.

6. Wrong Estimation

One of the common mistakes of React Native Development teams is the wrong estimation of errors. Developers often forget that the layout of Android and iOS is different.

Yes, React allows the use of interchangeable components. But some elements are platform-specific. For instance, the design of an application page differs for both the platforms. Additionally, you can underestimate the line of codes to be written. You may forget to assess the validation layout, or the logic may be incorrect.

All these incorrect estimations can create a problem at the later stage. Thus, while heading for React Native App Development, make a checklist and check it on every stage.

7. Unit Testing

So you don’t write testing units? It doesn’t sound like a problem because developed apps will work regardless of the testing units.

It will create a huge problem when the app is out in the world for customers to download and use it.

If you want to leave your app for customers to check and find the bugs, don’t write. But, if you want to provide them a better experience, check the app’s functionality before its launch. This is when you can use unit tests.

The unit tests will help you check various modules and functions of apps separately. With it, you can guarantee that every function works properly.

So when should you write unit tests?

Do it in the initial stage of React Native Development. This way, you can know about the bugs earlier and can solve them therein. It would save you time during the later stage.

Final Thoughts

Web development is no cakewalk, and even a skilled React Native developer is bound to make these mistakes. And that’s fine. However, after reading this article, your goal should be to avoid the mistakes mentioned here.

When it comes to React Native Development, there are even more glitches, such as Inappropriate Coding Practices, Project Structure, and External Modules. Not all but try to avoid as much as possible.

Happy Coding!

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