3 Ways to Boost Customer Support and Engagement With Click-To-Video

Modern marketers operate in a very interesting yet very challenging environment. Think about it this way. They have both the benefits and challenges that technology brings.

Digitalization has opened up a world their forerunners would have never thought possible. From the comfort of their seats, marketers can reach millions of people. The avenues to do so are plentiful, and some without cost limitations.

Take the example of social media platforms. The teams can use such without spending significant amounts of money.

The same advantages available to marketers also present challenges. Digitalization has evened the playing field. Everyone and anyone can use the avenues available. The competition for share of voice is at an all-time high.

Brands inundate audiences with messaging because they are all fighting for attention. The challenge is to find the best strategies to capture the elusive audience’s attention.

One way to do this is to use click-to-video technologies. Let’s see how these innovations can boost customer support and engagement.

Click-to-Video: What is It?

You may have used the click-to-chat or click-to-call functionality on some websites. All you need to do is click on a hyperlink, and it redirects you to an agent. What makes such innovation so useful is real-time communication.

The customer does not have to wait for feedback, as would be the case with tickets or emails. For the business, it provides a chance to capture the online visitor at their highest point of interest. With the right strategies, chances for conversion are pretty high.

Click-to-video takes customer engagement a notch higher. Instead of talking to a faceless entity, customers interact with real humans. There is an undeniable level of personalization with face-to-face, real-time interactions.

1. Click-To-Video Brings Convenience in Interactions

Remember our earlier point about the elusive modern customer. One contributing factor to this is the amount of content they have coming at them. The tons of choices can be overwhelming.

Brands must work extra hard to bring convenience, quick access, and fantastic experiences. Indeed, you must meet the customers right where it suits them.

The right call-to-video software can bring all these and more. Auvious is one such solution. Starting direct communication with customers is easy. All you need is the right click-to-video widget to move from chat to video communication.

The Genesys cloud-based video conferencing integration allows for screen shares or co-browsing sessions. This helps make the interaction with customers better. You can, for example, see what the audiences are seeing on their screen.

Support teams can schedule video calls at the convenience of the customers. The ability to accommodate customers and support team requirements adds to the convenience.

Video recording capabilities allow the teams to store information. Such provide critical data for analytics purposes. You can better understand customers from the issues they raise. All this can go towards building more effective customer support strategies.

2. Solution-Focused Video Support

We have talked about the use of click-to-video to provide real-time interactions. But, that is not the only application for such technologies. Customer support teams handle repetitive questions every single day.

The FAQ page and technologies like chatbots are great at handling such. But, there is a lot more the marketing teams can do.

There is an opportunity to create short videos that offer solutions to such issues. The teams achieve several wins with such. Audiences consume video content better than text.

2020 statistics show that video consumption increased in 96% of online audiences. 9 out of 10 viewers expected more of such content from businesses. In 2022 the average person will spend 100 minutes every day watching videos.

Incorporating video content will increase engagement on your website. And, the support team does not have to spend time answering repetitive questions.

Further, personalized one-on-one interactions allow the teams to provide more specific help. The ability to explore topics in greater depth will provide more value to the customers.

3. Streamline Customer Support Activities

As an online user, you know how frustrating customer service can be. You send in a query and sometimes have to wait for a long time to get a response. Some businesses turn over customer service jobs to chatbots. Yet, human customer service agents can handle some issues better. A machine will never replace the critical role of human interaction.

Video support can help streamline customer activities in many ways. Imagine the convenience of offering after-sales support via video. You save on time and the hassle of on-site visits.

The agents can use co-browsing features to walk customers through complex product features. They can even help them fill out forms or other documentation with ease.

The same applies to screen sharing or mobile videos. From wherever they are, customers can get quick help with issues. Remote expertise sharing means better resource use for the company.

Think about the savings by not having to send technical teams to the ground for every minor issue. It doesn’t matter what corner of the world they are in.

Virtual interaction provides a solution if you don’t have the infrastructure in specific locations. Your teams could be at the HQ in the United States and serving customers in Africa.

Best of all, they get to interact with actual humans they can see. You can use product demos or tutorials to teach them how to take care of specific problems. Such convenience from one simple innovation.

Final Thoughts

Click-to-video solutions are changing the way companies manage customers. Indeed, they elevate the customer experience to a whole new level. Human interaction allows for service personalization, which enhances the customer experience.

Video support allows for better connectedness between the customers and support teams. Indeed, that is a critical component when building relationships with customers.

Call-to-video services provide a fantastic way to solve customer issues. Remote accessibility removes the need for a physical presence to serve customers. That means a faster resolution to customer issues.

For the company, it means savings in time and resources. The company can use the same platforms as a knowledge or resource base.

Tutorials and product demos are more effective in video formats. The customer gets the necessary information with a simple click on a link.

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