10 Essential Technology Solutions for Remote Teams

By | Last Updated: May 13, 2024

Technological solutions are now a vital part of business, whether in a remote setup. And thanks to the advances in technology, working face-to-face all the time is no longer necessary.

A stable Wi-Fi connection and a video conferencing app are enough to join a meeting. You can also sign documents digitally these days!

If you are thinking of transitioning your business to a remote setup, here are six must-have technologies you need to know:

1. Video Conferencing

Video conferencing apps like Eyeson are some of the most critical tools for any remote team. No one can deny that video conferencing apps and tools have been more acute.

Sure, meeting face-to-face is still the best form of convening. But without the help of these video conferencing apps, remote work and team coordination would be much more difficult.

Plus, video conferencing is the best thing you have when it comes to seeing the face of your colleagues.

2. Instant Messaging

Although video conferencing apps are an excellent means of communication, it can be cumbersome to set a video meeting to ask for an update. In this case, you can use instant messaging apps instead.

Instant messaging tools make it much easier for your team to message one another for more minute details that don’t need a meeting. It’s also an excellent tool for communicating when a sense of urgency is required.

Thus, it must be a part of any remote team’s catalog for communication tools.

3. Project Management

Another issue that’s difficult when you’re working remotely would be keeping track of workflows. Since it’ll be challenging to check on your team personally, a project management tool can help you monitor if everything is on schedule.

Look for a project management tool that will suit your team. This addition may mean you’ll need an app that allows file sharing, adding and adjusting due dates, and assigning a project manager.

Take the time to test different project management tools until you find one that works for you. You should invest in these tools on a more long-term basis.

4. Time Tracking

Time tracking tools make it easier for your HR and accountants to account for the working hours of your remote team.

Our work styles and habits differ from one another. Some are more productive when working at night, while some prefer to maintain a nine-to-five schedule.

You don’t have to worry about a person in your team starting to work with a time tracking tool. What’s important is that they could put in the hours as stated in the time tracking tool.

5. Cloud Storage

Cloud storage apps like Dropbox and Google Suite are another valuable addition to a remote team’s arsenal.

Your team will be creating documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and so on that they may need to share with one team member. Having them in dedicated cloud storage makes a more organized way of storing and sharing work-related files.

It’s much smoother and easier to collaborate with other people when you have a dedicated cloud service.

6. Cybersecurity

Given all of the sensitive information and work that you do online, you must keep this information secure. Not only that, but your customers would also appreciate that you take online security seriously.

That’s why investing in cybersecurity is a critical choice. You can do a basic cybersecurity setup yourself or hire a specialist. The key here is purchasing the best and most secured tools you can afford.

7. Enterprise Video Content Management System

Enterprise video content management systems support the needs of large organizations that require a centralized hub for all their video content.

The system is what companies that have multiple offices use if they want to centralize their video production and distribution to all of their offices. The system does this through cloud-based technology, which is accessible from anywhere.

Any company needing centralized, cloud-based technology for managing their videos can have a video content management system.

It can help you with everything from storage, categorization, and more. When you’re going to post a video, make sure that you are transcribing audio to reach more people everywhere and be more accessible.

8. Office Productivity Suite

Remote teams are becoming more familiar with the advent of remote work. They are also becoming more and more critical in an increasingly globalized world.

With Skype, Slack, and other communication software, remote teams can stay connected and their company. But there are still some challenges that come with working remotely, such as a lack of productivity tools for collaboration or office space for meetings.

Office productivity suites can help remote teams by providing them with the tools they need to stay productive no matter where they are. The productivity suite would enable them to stay connected, collaborate on projects, and share files.

The top benefits of a remote office productivity suite are:

  • It helps remote team members to stay connected and collaborate
  • It allows remote team members to share files and work remotely
  • It reduces the need for meetings
  • It improves communication between remote teams

With all of these benefits, you can have a remote team that feels connected and productive despite being far away.

9. VPNs

A VPN is short for a virtual private network. You can use this to connect to a remote team over the internet. It allows you to access your company’s resources from anywhere securely.

A VPN is an encrypted connection that creates a path between your computer that the VPN service manages. You can connect on your home router, on your computer, or at a public Wi-Fi hotspot.

The encryption provides privacy by hiding what you do online from anyone who might be intercepting your data or observing it as it travels across the internet. The encryption prevents anyone from seeing what you’re doing online if they monitor only your connection without knowing what you’re transmitting.

You can use a VPN in a variety of ways, including:

  • To allow remote employees access to company resources when they are outside the office or on another floor or building.
  • To enable employees to work from home and connect remotely to their office’s local area network (LAN).
  • To create an extra layer of security when logging into a company’s private system.
  • To allow users in one country to access geo-restricted content from another country.

With these benefits, it makes working remotely feel safer and more secure.

10. Transcribe Training Content

Remote teams must have a way to communicate with each other. When the team members are not in the exact location, it is hard to have a face-to-face conversation. They can communicate through video or phone calls, but this can be very time-consuming and expensive.

Transcribing training content is a good idea if you have a remote team. It allows your team to listen to the training and learn from it even when it is not in the same place as the speaker.

It also helps with language barriers. Transcription is a great way for people who speak different languages to communicate.

If you have a remote team and primarily recruit global talent, transcribing training content is an essential and valuable choice.

Hire your global remote team today

Given the advent of technology, you can find Remote Worldwide Jobs or an addition to your global workforce.

With the rise of remote teams, business owners have many more options for hiring teams. It is crucial to find the right team for your needs and make sure that you hire the best people for your business.

Remote teams are an excellent choice for many businesses because they offer many benefits. These benefits include cost savings, increased productivity, and better work-life balance.

Over to You

The list of technologies listed above can help any remote team thrive.

There are many pros to investing in these tech solutions, from communication to collaboration. Thus, if you want to understand better how your remote team works, invest in this article.

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