3 Professional Email Template Tips

Email marketing remains the most effective marketing strategy for businesses. According to McKinsey, email marketing is 40 times more effective in acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter combined. Obviously, email marketing works; that explains why you receive countless emails in your inbox every day.

According to experts, email marketing is king because it’s a permission-based and one-on-one communication channel. It helps to build meaningful relationships with your audience.

However, if you want your email marketing campaign to yield the expected result, be creative with your emails and try to make every message counts. And you can easily achieve this with a professional email template. So, here are some tips that make a professional email template;

#1. Define Your Brand Through The Email

The first thing you should do when creating a professional email template is to define your brand. From experience, you can easily get your subscribers to read your emails if they contain your brand logo and other elements peculiar to your business image.

Ensure that your email template has a strong brand personality; it helps to create recognition. Whenever your subscribers receive a well-branded email from you, they can easily tell it’s from you without the “from” line.

According to a report by Lucid Press, brand consistency increases revenue by 23%. You see, brand consistency comes with a mouthwatering Return on investment.

It’s easy to build a strong email brand without breaking the bank. Just be creative with your words and use simple designs. Follow these principles when defining your brand through email;

Have a unique voice

It’s essential to have a unique voice in your professional email template. And you can achieve by including videos, logos, images, CTAs (call to actions) in every email you send to your subscribers.

Foster an Emotional Connection

Naturally, you can quickly get your email subscribers to take action if you can trigger their emotions. And this is where copywriting is necessary.

For instance, colors trigger different emotions in people. It’s essential to choose a color that blends well with your brand personality.

Have a Strong Mission Statement

Your mission statement is essential when creating an email template. It gives your audience an overview of your business at a glance. Since an average person’s attention span is eight seconds, you must provide a strong USP (unique selling proposition) and tell your audience how you will offer them value ASAP.

#2. Place the Calls-to-action at the top of the email

Call to Action (CTA) is a common term used in email marketing. It helps to prompt an immediate response or encourage immediate sales. It’s what compels your email subscribers to act in a specific way.

It’s important to place the Calls-to-Action at the top of your email. Your subscribers are busy people; they may not have the patience to read the email till the end. That’s why you should strategically place your CTA in a way that draws readers’ attention.

There can never be a successful email marketing campaign without a successful CTA. Your email conversion, revenue, and profit all depend on your call to action.

#3. Clearly Convey The Purpose of the Email

Any email that conveys its purpose reflects professionalism. Whether you are educating your subscribers about a particular topic or trying to sell products, communicate it powerfully to the recipient.

Again, ensure that the email subject line, email copy, preheader text, and CTA are synchrony with the purpose of the email.

Creating a professional email template is important for the success of your email marketing campaign. It helps to achieve the desired results.

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