The Role of Mobile Applications and Big Data in Enhancing Healthcare

The healthcare industry is growing more rapidly, and the need to improve patient care and develop new drugs has grown in lockstep. Modern technologies are emerging in the industry as a result of the increase in such demands. Big Data and mobile apps in the healthcare industry are one such significant shift that may arise in the future.

Optimizing communication effectiveness, operational efficiency, mobile healthcare apps, and big data revolutionize the healthcare industry. The healthcare industry benefits greatly from big data and mobile healthcare apps. This modern innovation supports not only physicians and patients but also hospital workers and nurse practitioners.

But how mobile apps and big data are enhancing the healthcare industry?

Read on to learn more details about how mobile healthcare apps and big data enhance the healthcare industry!

How are mobile apps transforming the healthcare industry?

Smartphones and other electronic devices nowadays function and sound like personal assistants. Users can use mobile applications to keep track of their everyday athletic activities, including the number of steps they take, the frequency of their heartbeats, respiratory rate, the number of calories they burn while walking, cycling, or using an exercise bike and much more.

As per statista, the global mobile healthcare market is predicted to be at 189 billion dollars by 2025. It is clear from the stats above that mhealth has a bright future. Now, let’s move forward and discuss how mobile apps are transforming the healthcare industry.

#1. Robotic Nurse

Natural language processing (NLP) advancements have contributed to the growth of intelligent virtual nurses who can serve as friends, display notifications, and respond to patients’ questions. The app finds more about patients they’re responsible for and can spot both pro and con behaviors using big data technology. Big data can also create communicative nursing bots, which can make patients feel less isolated and give them better much-needed information about their health in simple Terms.

#2. Augmented Reality

AR is progressively being used to build mobile apps that doctors and physicians could use as a learning tool. It promotes hands-on experience with diagnosis and treatment, enhancing the skills and practical use that all doctors must-have. Because this type of training has no limitations, it can be used to educate a significant number of health professionals at the same time.

#3. Telemedicine

Telemedicine is the opportunity to provide medical treatment to people over a long distance. It can be used for primary diagnosis and consultancy, as well as extensive patient health tracking. Doctors will be more available thanks to telemedicine, and patients will receive high-quality care more rapidly.

As per Statista reports, the telemedicine market is expected to reach 176 billion dollars by 2026.

#4. Enhances communication and coordination

Doctors and medical personnel can communicate with patients more easily with a custom healthcare mobile app. It could also simplify the process between respective units, labs, and employees in the same facility. With custom mobile apps for healthcare, doctors could inform patients about their diagnosis and prescribe appropriate medications. Also, the application will remind doctors and patients of their appointments and medical personnel if any documents or files are needed for the diagnostic test.

#5. Detailed patient’s record

All medical files, from previous health information to performance measures, patient suggestions, and improvements in therapy schedules and timelines, are available at the press of a button on a phone app for medical professionals to contemplate and decide when out and about. Because all information is collected in real-time, doctors can switch shifts without justifying the patient’s medical history to the next physician or doctor.

Moving on,

Let’s switch our attention to,

How is big data enhancing the healthcare industry?

Big data in healthcare is extremely important, as it can lead to life-saving results. In a nutshell, Big Data is the enormous amount of data generated by the digital technology of a system, which is then analyzed using specific technologies. Healthcare professionals can use big data analysis to determine the frequency of second visits, lost visits, total surgical time, and whether physicians have enough medications and equipment to execute an appropriate surgery or a shortage. The use of big data analytics allows healthcare providers to minimize the amount of time patients spend in the hospital.

Moving on, here are some ways through which big data is transforming the healthcare industry.

#1. Tracking individual’s health

The integration of Big Data and Analytics and the Internet of Things are revolutionizing how individuals can track statistical measures and health data. Many innovative diagnostic developments such as blood pressure monitors, oximeters, glucose projectors, and many more can track a patient’s health. Continuous tracking of patient conditions combined with sensors will allow health professionals to keep people out of the hospital because they will be able to detect potential health issues and treat them before they become worse.

#2. Eliminates mistakes

Many times, experts have been observed to either recommend the incorrect medication or deploy a different prescription by mistake. As Big Data can be used to analyze personal data and prescribed drugs, these errors can be minimized in specific. It will verify data and identify possible out-of-place prescriptions, reducing errors and saving lives. For doctors who see a lot of patients in a day, these systems can be very useful.

#3. Reduces Cost

Whether overbooked or under-booked employees, big data in the healthcare industry is the smartest method to save a few dollars on hospitals. Predicting admissions standards with the help of predictive analysis would aid workforce allocations. The proper staffing allocation would lower the investment rate incurred by hospitals, allowing them to put their money toward other initiatives.

#4. Forecasting growing concerns

Big Data plays a vital role here, though. Researchers can create social models of public health and make predictions of outbreak progression by analyzing large amounts of data.

#5. Precautionary services

To offer services more effectively, optimize operations, and enhance the avoidance of medical risks, preventive services are used. The Apple Watch, for instance, is being improved to see if the smartwatch integrated sensor can accurately identify high blood pressure. If confirmed, this could be a game-changer to assist users in seeking medical assistance when they need it.

#6. Research purposes

Drug studies and inviting individuals to test new drugs are easier with analytical techniques and Big Data tools. The processing of the findings of such tests is another practical Big Data application. Personalized medicine methodologies ranked first in healthcare research and innovation practices. Doctors may recommend new and targeted drugs and therapeutic methods based on massive amounts of genetic data, as previously stated. Furthermore, R&D procedures for separating disease patterns help doctors identify risk factors and determine the progress of different diseases.

Wrapping Up

In the healthcare industry, both big data and mobile apps can change the entire healthcare zone into automated and efficient systems. As you’ll see in this article, Big Data and mobile apps in healthcare are poised to make important contributions to the industry’s future, from forecasting health consequences to treating chronic or fatal diseases to improving patient care. In the years ahead, as technology and innovations develop, big data and mobile apps in healthcare will remain at the forefront.