Today’s technology makes a variety of security solutions available that were unimaginable in the past. Just take a moment and imagine the difference between 2022, and 1972. It’s only fifty years, but it’s like 500 have passed. Technological exponentiation has totally changed the world. Your office follows you today.
In the modern world, you can wake up on a couch in Vietnam and confirm a multi-million dollar business deal in Washington State by digitally signing a release form from your smartphone. Albums, books, and movies can be produced, written, performed, edited, directed, and distributed remotely. In the last 50 years, the world has changed; and decentralized internet capabilities are core to that change.
Consider the Internet of Things (IoT) tech, as an example. Through Amazon’s “Alexa”, you can check into multiple areas of home security remotely as you need. If you’re not familiar, “Alexa” is a little computer device that’s connected to the web, and helps you optimize your life with convenient associated access.
It’s basically like a helpful computer imagined in a far-distant future as seen in a variety of television and cinema from the sixties and seventies. What was once fantasy is now not only reality, but pragmatic, tangible reality. To drive this home, following we’ll briefly explore different advantages of integrating Amazon Alexa with your home’s security.

1. Automated Solutions: Continuous Premises Monitoring
Alexa is networked in with the AWS (Amazon Web Service) cloud. It has to be because millions of Alexa units worldwide use nigh-endless amounts of data. Accordingly, the device is always ready to respond based on input from a given home. You can always be sure Alexa is keeping an eye on things, and that gives a lot of people peace of mind.
Proper integration means, should Alexa notice something that requires attention, it can automatically take action on your behalf based on your presets. Read more about total Alexa integration in this blog post by Alarm Grid. Essentially, because of cloud-based computational tech, Alexa is really like a computer with a personality from the future.
Granted, there’s not a real personality there; Alexa is just Artificial Intelligence (AI) operating along Machine Learning (ML) segues as advanced by millions of networked servers on the cloud. However, the continuous ingestion and interpretation of data that happens instantaneously facilitate responses from Alexa. The device seems “alive”.
Basically, because of ML and AI networked in a remote grid like this, when there are anomalous activities at your property, Alexa can initiate an almost immediate response, helping get the right authorities to a property where a crime may be happening with all expedience. You’ll need to experiment with settings for the best results, but Alexa can be a valued addition to your home’s security.
2. More Customizable and Convenient Security Management
Upgrading how your on-site security is managed is easy when you’ve got total Alexa integration. You can just say: “Hey, Alexa,” and then give the device your direction. What this means is, you can change system parameters, adjust varying settings, and a lot more in the most convenient way. Ultimately, the process is simpler than having to manually change each “node” in a given system.
If you’ve ever managed a sprinkler system on your property, or anything similar, you know how much of a hassle it is to reset settings or troubleshoot an issue. Not only does Alexa reduce associated complications here, but you’ve got the entirety of Amazon’s technological capabilities at your beck and call should an issue arise.
A helpful way to look at the advantages of this innovation is to consider Alexa as a sort of “hub”. The device helps organize relevant info into a single location. Security should be convenient in addition to effective. If you have to bend over backward resetting parameters, chasing down bugs, and things of that nature, your security system has just traded one problem for another.
With Alexa, continuous optimization from ingested data works in concert toward ongoing development. What’s more, it is to be expected such technological capability will only become more integral and effective as time goes by.
3. Access to Continuously-Updated Best Practices
The Internet of Things (IoT) is possible owing to cloud computing. Cloud computing basically makes servers capable of massive computational abilities. It’s the difference between a secret agent and an army. Imagine one soldier against a million. That’s an individual server against the cloud. Now imagine each of the million soldiers can be updated on battlefield maneuvers simultaneously, in real-time.
Basically, if you distribute a technological “load” across more than one device, you steadily exponentiate processing capability. So if one server could process a terabyte of data in real-time, a thousand could do a petabyte (which is a thousand terabytes) in the same time period. A million can process an exabyte just as fast. You get the idea.
What this means is that Amazon’s cloud is continuously developing. As information pours in from millions of users simultaneously, the software of the cloud must store, process, and apply that data. AI and ML, as discussed earlier, are brought to bear toward continuous optimization of a given cloud array through data conduits like Alexa.
This means collateral trends of security which yield optimal results can be immediately and automatically added to home security as needed by Alexa. It’s hard to maintain such continuous cutting-edge home security in any other way. You would need your own on-site IT team to do so, and their gains would be comparatively negligible.
4. Property Value Expansion – Potentially
Think of Amazon’s Alexa as the conductor in a digital orchestra full of IoT musicians playing their individual technological instruments. Alexa facilitates smart home integration. Smarthomes tend to have greater value overall when compared to properties that don’t feature this technological innovation.
So Alexa doesn’t just help secure your assets, it helps increase their value. There are some who even upgrade properties to “smarthome” capability prior to sale as a means of increasing what a given home will sell for on the market; though this will depend on the property owner and the property itself.
Regardless, effective smart home integration utilizing Alexa can bring added value to a home. Any security system will have this effect, but top-tier tech options tend to edge up associated value. Put it this way: a sports car and a Lamborghini may function similarly, but the Lamborghini is probably going to be worth more.
Security Benefits of Alexa
We’re in a different world than we were even ten years ago; much less fifty. The internet and cell phones have led to smartphones and cloud computing, which in turn have acted as a foundation for IoT advancement.
IoT-optimized smart home security provides ongoing access to best practices in home security, more customized on-site security management, and the benefit of continuous premises monitoring. Collaterally, IoT-optimized homes with digital hubs like Alexa can potentially expand property value as well, which is considerable for any homeowner.
At the end of the day, Alexa is sort of like the capstone on the top of your home security “pyramid”; it’s the cherry on the cupcake. If you want your house to be as secure as modern tech can make it, and simultaneously maximize potential asset value, working with Alexa might just be the way to go.