10 Best Javascript Frameworks To Rely Upon

To start with , Name One Technology that is used for both Frontend and backend development.

Well, without an iota of doubt, the answer is JavaScript. The high-level interpreted language is a multipurpose language supported by web browsers and is used for testing websites and web applications too.

It is accepted as a core technology that supports object-oriented programming styles. It allows easy integration with APIs or Application Programming Interface for smooth operations on arrays and regular expressions.

Javascript with its versatility offers many frameworks and libraries each having its own I/o functions like graphics, networking, and usage. The library allows the apps to detect the runtime environment. On the other hand JavaScript libraries with full-stack properties are classified as Framework. It’s a hard decision to choose the best framework for backend and frontend amongst the list of JavaScript networks. Here is a small list of frameworks that are versatile and embrace all the characteristics of a good framework/library.

Frontend frameworks

JavaScript is a frontend framework is preferred by many web developers as it is backed up with numerous features. Here are the 3 best frontend technologies that pave the path for development in 2021:

React js

React js was initially introduced by team Facebook in the year 2011. It is a component-based, functional open-source network that creates interactive user interfaces for single-page applications. React makes the use of Virtual DOM wherein it renders only those components that have changed instead of rendering the whole page. React js Web developers make use of simple JSX syntax and a declarative programming style.

Websites built with react: Netflix, WhatsApp, Tesla, Zendesk, and Code academy.

Vue js

Vue js as a frontend Network was introduced in 2014 by a developer working with google. Vuejs is an open-source lightweight frontend framework that has adopted most of its features from React and Angular. The improvisations on the features of both have resulted in delivering a framework that promises security and efficiency. It offers the highest level of flexibility while being simple, progressive, and highly adaptable as per the user’s needs.

Websites built with Vuejs: Adobe, Apple, Nintendo, BMW, Louis Vuitton.

Angula js

Angular is one of the best javaScript frameworks created by team Google in the year 2010. Later it went through many makeover sessions resulting in which many versions of angular were launched. Each version was an improved outcome wherein it moved drastically from the MVC architecture to a Component-based structure. Angular js development is known for building enterprise-scale applications offering security and performance.

Websites built with Angular: Google, lego, Clockify , Youtube, Walmart.


Ember js is an opinionated open source javascript framework that helps create scalable enterprise-scale single page web applications. Ember is a Model view view model (MVVW) architectural pattern.

Further ember has an Ember Command-line interface tool that accelerates productivity. Ember works with a simple mechanism that integrates well with API’s. It works with a 2-way data binding tool like Angular and has a rich community and documentation support.

Websites built with Ember js: Intercom, LinkedIn, Netflix, Skylight, Microsoft.


Preact js is a lightweight, high performance-oriented library that provides just an alternative to React. It is worthy to know that Preact is just 3kb in size yet it provides all the basic functionalities of React. The swift library is not a full-fledge framework but can be said as a subset of React js. It is driven by a Component-based approach with Virtual Dom. Preact promises speed and efficiency with unmatched performance. It uses the same ES6 API as React that allows developers to easily switch.

Websites built with Preact: Pepsi, Rocket Chat, Treebo, Uber.


Another frontend javascript framework that has gained popularity is Svelte.js. It is written in Typescript and was firstly launched in 2016. Many developers predicted that it can easily dethrone React js as the most popular front-end framework.

Svelte helps build components in simple HTML, CSS, and javascript code. It makes use of the Svelte compiler that facilitates the compilation of this code into small frameworks and javascript modules. The Apps built with Svelte are high performance efficient with zero client-side dependencies.

Websites built with Svelte: Razorpay, The New York times, Farmbox, Fusion Charts, Godaddy.

Backend Javascript frameworks

Javascript has made its unique positioning as one of the most preferred programming languages. It offers versatility and performance with its back-end server-side development with Node JS. Here are a few Server-side javascript frameworks each having its own plate offering scalability and flexibility.

Express js

Express js was originally introduced in 2010 as an open-source minimal web framework for Nodejs. It is positioned as the best javascript framework for backend with node js for application in MERN/MEAN stacks. Express js as the name suggests offers rapid server-side coding that makes complex tasks to be resolved in just a few minutes using Node js. Further, it promises efficiency as it helps to template engine to dynamically render HTML pages on the server-side rather than Client side.

Websites built with express js: Fox, Accenture, Coursera, Godaddy, IBM, Myntra, Nike, Exove.

Next js

Another best backend framework that promises efficiency is Next js. It was first introduced in 2017 and now has close to approx 550 downloads weekly on NPM. Next js offers end to end server side rendering based on React. It offers Automatic Code splitting and Prefetching. Next js is used for making mobile apps, desktop apps, and progressive Web apps too.

Websites built with Next js: Coinbase, Docker, Hulu, Invision, Magic Leap, Github.


Gatsby.js.as a backend framework was launched in the year 2015. Gatsby was primarily introduced as a modern, flexible, and GraphQl based Static Site Generator that was used to make SEO friendly static websites. Gatsby promises blazing fast performance by generating HTML content on the client-side. Further Gatsby offers plugins that enhance UI/UX, facilitate email marketing, CMs, SEO and image optimization, catching, and Robot txt files.

Websites built with Gatsby js: Airbnb, Braun, edx.org, Flamingo, Freecodecamp, Fabric, Figma.


Nuxt js as one of the preferred back end framework helps build some performance-oriented web applications that are primarily server-side rendered apps. It helps enhance the functionalities of Vue as it is a combination of Vue js and its libraries and components like Vue, Vue Router, and Vue meta. Nuxt js helps create three different types of web apps – pre-rendered static pages, Single Page Applications (SPA), and server side Rendered Web apps (SSR).

Websites built with Nuxt. js: Note.com, Up work, Fox News, Gitlab.

Wrapping it up!

Ever since JavaScript has launched its frameworks they have been widely accepted by web developers. They offer development in both frontend and backend wherein each framework has its own pros and cons. It’s up to the choice of the developer to choose the one that is best suited to the project requirements. While performance and efficiency are the prime parameters that influence this decision, learning curve, complexity, and community support are other important factors that are considered while selecting the framework. Web developers have their own personal favorites while JavaScript as a complete universe embraces all of them together in the web world.